Faculty Qualifications

The Faculty Qualifications System is the primary system used for Faculty Annual Review. Faculty are also able to enter information from curriculum vitae and have the system generate the properly formatted Texas State University vita, allowing faculty to keep their data all in one system. Faculty enter their data once and are able to use it in a multitude of ways.

  • Available to: Faculty
  • Where to use: Online
  • Cost: Free

Get Started

Faculty have access to update information in Faculty Qualifications. The Texas State community views Faculty information through Faculty Profiles.

Log into Faculty Qualifications

  1. Go to Faculty Qualifications.
  2. Enter your NetID and password, and click Login.
  3. Move through each section to enter or update your profile with the most accurate information.

Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID)

An ORCID allows research activities to be accurately attached to individuals over time, between institutions, and across multiple information systems. Faculty can import ORCID information to Faculty Qualifications.

Requests to enter information on behalf of Faculty

Should Faculty require assistance from an Administrative Assistant or a Student to enter the faculty member's information, please submit a request below:

  • Administrative Assistant Request
  • Manage Data Request